In an inspiring act of solidarity, high school students from the Red Cross Club at Dandii Boru School, under the guidance of their dedicated teacher, Solomon, and in collaboration with the Red Cross Society of Ethiopia, organized a successful blood drive on January 21st and 22nd. This event is a testament to the school’s long-standing tradition of community service, which spans over a decade of partnership with the Red Cross Society of Ethiopia.

The enthusiastic students, recruited from all levels of high school, took on the mission of encouraging their peers and community members to donate blood. Armed with smiles and a compelling message about the importance of giving, these young advocates went around the school, inspiring others to be a part of saving lives. Their dedication and hard work paid off, as they managed to recruit a significant number of donors, demonstrating the power of youth in making a positive impact on society.

Dandii Boru School students took to the campus to spread awareness and announce the official opening of the blood drive. Their enthusiasm highlighted the importance of giving back and encouraged everyone to participate in this life-saving initiative.
The blood drive was not just an event; it was a celebration of the spirit of giving and the collective effort to make a difference. The students’ commitment to the cause, combined with the support from their teachers and the Red Cross Society of Ethiopia, showcased the incredible potential of collaboration in achieving meaningful outcomes.
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